Friday, September 6, 2013

My reaction to this article is that I can see where this man is justified in his action, but hitting the kid in the face was wrong in my opinion. The father's actions show that he obviously wants his child to have good grammar at a young age. This most definately would have been accepted in the 50's.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Travis Curtis. Bellringer                   

1. Should McDonalds raise the prices on its "Dollar Menu?" Justify your answer. I feel like what they were sating with the whole,' adding new items or sharable items to the menu for more," would work out well.

2. Should entry level fast food workers be paid a "living wage?"
 I would say yes because, They still work in a resturaunt either way. The food is still food and the job is still a job.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

1. Do you think this is invasion of your privacy? Justify your answer.
      No, due to the fact that people publicly post and the meaning of public is for everyone to see.

2. Does this comply with the terms and conditions for use of Facebook? Have you read them?
      Yes, they do comply. But no, I don't know what the terms and conditions page says, let alone looks like.

3. Does this violate your 4th Amendment rights? No. You've agreed for it to happen.