Tuesday, December 3, 2013

      Limbaugh's points in his talk about the pope were valid. Controversial is a good word to describe it at least. He did put him down in more ways than one and were unneeded.

Monday, November 4, 2013

      Travis Curtis                              Start-Up

1. What effect will tough requirements such as this have on voters?
It will make people realize the ridiculousamount of effort and stop enrolling.
2. Can these requirements violate the rights of voters?
In ways, yes. In others no, due to the fact that It really isn't that big of a deal.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

What was the subject of the cartoon?
Why did the artist show the characters the way he/she did?
What was the purpose of the cartoon?
Who was the cartoon targeting?
What was the goal of the cartoonist?

139332 600 Tea party boulder pushers cartoons

How to analyze these cartoons is done in a few easy steps. Recognize the characters. What they represent and why. What the subject matter is. Why the characters are taking action in the way they are. What the protagonist/protagonists are doing.

I took the test and the way they explain is basically in the characters and their actions. Displaying characters that aren't advanced so that people can understand a little if not all of the cartoon.

Monday, October 28, 2013

1. Read the article and write your initial response.
My response would be to say that in it's own way it is a flag of traitors. In it's own way it's not though.
2.  Do you feel that the writer is correct in his opinion?
3.  Why do you feel their is still an issue with the confederate flag still nearly 150 years later?
I don't think there should be anymore. It's getting ridiculous.

Friday, October 25, 2013


Moderately liberal.



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Your PERSONAL issues Score is 70%

Your ECONOMICS issues Score is 90%

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According to your answers, the political group that agrees with you most is...


Friday, September 6, 2013

My reaction to this article is that I can see where this man is justified in his action, but hitting the kid in the face was wrong in my opinion. The father's actions show that he obviously wants his child to have good grammar at a young age. This most definately would have been accepted in the 50's.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Travis Curtis. Bellringer                   

1. Should McDonalds raise the prices on its "Dollar Menu?" Justify your answer. I feel like what they were sating with the whole,' adding new items or sharable items to the menu for more," would work out well.

2. Should entry level fast food workers be paid a "living wage?"
 I would say yes because, They still work in a resturaunt either way. The food is still food and the job is still a job.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

1. Do you think this is invasion of your privacy? Justify your answer.
      No, due to the fact that people publicly post and the meaning of public is for everyone to see.

2. Does this comply with the terms and conditions for use of Facebook? Have you read them?
      Yes, they do comply. But no, I don't know what the terms and conditions page says, let alone looks like.

3. Does this violate your 4th Amendment rights? No. You've agreed for it to happen.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

     2. “I have a dream that one day little black boys and girls will be holding hands with little white boys and girls.” 
    I'm confident in the belief that he just wanted the constant racism to end and people to get along. Especially people of different races and religions. I find it funny that a small quote like this can mean just as much as the whole speach could.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

1. Should the two boys be tried as adults? why or why not? Yes, they should be tried as adults due to the fact that they knew what they were doing. Beating an old man is never morally right.

2. Should their identity remain undisclosed or since the crime is heinous? justify your answer?  No, they should be tried accordingly.

3. What can we as a society do to keep crimes like this from happening?