Monday, April 7, 2014

Travis Curtis                       1970-2014    Economy stats.


     1970: GDP  $4.7 trillion         US Population: 203,392,031            

     1980: GDP   $6.49 trillion        US Population: 226,545,805

     1990: GDP  $8.9 trillion          US  Population: 248,709,873

     2000: GDP  $12.68 trillion         US Population: 281,421,906

     2010: GDP  $14.94 trillion        US  Population: 308,745,538

     2013: GDP $15.93 trillion        US  Population: 317,297,938

Monday, March 24, 2014

The supreme court case I'm reviewing is Texas vs. Johnson.
     Johnson extended the First Amendment rights to protect symbolic speech. During a political demonstration for the Republican National Convention in Texas, Gregory Lee Johnson set the American flag on fire. No one was injured or in immediate danger by his demonstration, but many witnesses were offended and Johnson was charged and convicted for desecration of a venerated object. The Supreme Court overruled the Texas Penal Code violation, and decided Johnson’s demonstration was a form of symbolic speech protected by the First Amendment.


     Johnson was not held guilty for burning the flag because he was using his freedom of speech.

                                                                    My Opinion:

     I think it was honestly wrong for this case to have left a petty civil suit. The man wasn't convicted of anything. He only hurt a few patriot Texans' feelings. If anything burning the flag wasn't exactly the best way to get his point across but taking it to court proved his point.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

      Limbaugh's points in his talk about the pope were valid. Controversial is a good word to describe it at least. He did put him down in more ways than one and were unneeded.

Monday, November 4, 2013

      Travis Curtis                              Start-Up

1. What effect will tough requirements such as this have on voters?
It will make people realize the ridiculousamount of effort and stop enrolling.
2. Can these requirements violate the rights of voters?
In ways, yes. In others no, due to the fact that It really isn't that big of a deal.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

What was the subject of the cartoon?
Why did the artist show the characters the way he/she did?
What was the purpose of the cartoon?
Who was the cartoon targeting?
What was the goal of the cartoonist?

139332 600 Tea party boulder pushers cartoons

How to analyze these cartoons is done in a few easy steps. Recognize the characters. What they represent and why. What the subject matter is. Why the characters are taking action in the way they are. What the protagonist/protagonists are doing.

I took the test and the way they explain is basically in the characters and their actions. Displaying characters that aren't advanced so that people can understand a little if not all of the cartoon.

Monday, October 28, 2013

1. Read the article and write your initial response.
My response would be to say that in it's own way it is a flag of traitors. In it's own way it's not though.
2.  Do you feel that the writer is correct in his opinion?
3.  Why do you feel their is still an issue with the confederate flag still nearly 150 years later?
I don't think there should be anymore. It's getting ridiculous.

Friday, October 25, 2013
Moderately liberal.

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